Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Big Bang - Fact or Fiction

The initial test of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland was completed yesterday. The first round was to send a particle around the collider in one direction. The next test will be to send a particle in the opposite direction. Ultimately there will be an experiment to send two particles in opposite directions to create a collision that is expected to simulate the Big Bang.

For many, the question of the big bang is simply fiction and for others it is absolute fact. Is there an in between? As a geologist I of course learned that the Big Bang was the prevailing and most accepted theory (except creationism) for the origin of the universe and earth as we know it. Once the planet was created, it is theorized that life evolved over time......

What happens if the experiment produces a tiny universe under the ground in Switzerland and what if evolution can be proven (although there is already plenty of proof) over time inside the Hadron collider?

I know I won't be popular for posting this. But consider that creationism and evolution do NOT have to be mutually exclusive. What are your thoughts?


SunRunner said...

Here is the problem. As Christians we are told to have faith and with faith we can, not understand but accept things, like the literal interpretation of the Bible and Creationism. The problem exists when there is lots of scientific evidence that points in a different direction. Now suddenly because of this evidence exists and you or I reports it, we are going to Hell. Pray for our souls they whisper… Where is the middle ground? What if God didn’t create the Earth and all the planets in seven day. What if God smashed two atoms together one day over tea and cookies and here we are.

I think we have enough proof the universe is rapidly expanding like in any large release of energy. So I guess in my opinion the big bang isn’t just a theory, it is reality. So the bigger question is where did life come from? When the Earth was created it was a carbon free zone. So where did the carbon, the essence of life, come from? Is this where God came in? Did God go out looking for a readymade planet, just add water? Here is a weird idea. We have all read about the atmosphere building ideas for Mars. The idea of using the technology we have learned from Global Warming to create an atmosphere on Mars. Possibly a replacement for Earth when it is uninhabitable one day. What if Mars, a billion or so years ago was The Planet where all the cool kids lived and they realized they were killing the planet and looked at Earth and thought.. Wonder if we could live there, wonder what it will take to support life over there on Earth (I realize Earth wasn’t called Earth, but since I don’t know what those crazy kids over on Mars (yes I know it wasn’t called Mars) called Earth, so I will just call it Earth). So the experiment began and over a million years life on Mars died and the Earth couldn’t support the life from Mars. But the ball was rolling… Thanks to that crazy thing called evolution, tiny micro organisms left dormant for a few hundred thousand years started swimming in this cosmic coffee we call oceans and several millions years later Viola “Would You Like Fried With That?”.

I know this was not what you wanted to talk about, but it’s all I gots to contribute!!

SunRunner said...

Just a quick note... When I blog I generally write exactly what I am thinking and I don't go back and re-read or edit. So grammer will be horrible and words will be mis-spelt. So it will do no good complaining to me about it :)

sciencegal said...

Beau: Great post!!! and yes these are the kinds of discussions I am looking for. I try not to put too much of my own opinion into the primary post so as not to "lead" the discussion to a particular conclusion. I believe as you, that its not just theory, and yeah, they whisper that I am going to hell too LOL. A theory that I came up with in my head in college to help reconcile between the two was just asyou have put in a nutshell, God smashed the atoms to make the big bang....then it took a lot of time to make the earth the way he wanted it. But in Biblical times it was easier to explain it as Genesis does because it would have been difficult for most to grasp the ideas that we have facts to back up today.

Thing is, my trip to hell won't be because I am a big bang supporter LOL . But damn I wished I had grown up on that planet with all the cool kids but we all ended up here anyway right.

I love your theory and want to hear more. We still have to have that lunch to talk about our mutual business but I can't find your number. Email me at

My brain has gone to sleep but I will write more tomorrow!