Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Hadron Collider aka Put Your Head Down and Kiss Your........

OHHHH - not to be an alarmist or panic anyone but the Hadron Collider is going to be turned on tomorrow.... and there is a small chance that it could create a black hole,, oh my! However, if you read the safety statement on the CERN website, they don't seem to be too worried.


Well, as my good friend BB says in his previous comment on my I love Rocks post, if indeed a black hole was created, then we could be forever suspended in that moment of time when it happens. So I would pose this question:

If you knew the exact moment that the black hole (if one indeed were to be generated by the collider) was going to be created and knowing that would be the moment you were stuck in forever, what would you want to be doing and/or experiencing at that moment......

Try to keep it rated PG13 if you can!



SunRunner said...

I think at that point I'd like to be out kayaking... Not the indian ocean where I read would be where we would see the first signs of the black hole, but in the good old GOM. Maybe with hurricane Ike offshore... How exciting is that!!!

SunRunner said...

Well Steven Hawking didn't seem real concerned about this... Didn't the same thing almost happen during the manhatten project.. Two atoms almost reaching critical mass? I love science, but I am an idiot :)

sciencegal said...

beau: I am so honored. A post on my site :-) thanks for visiting. Kayaking sounds really cool and yes in the GOM. I was stranded in the Indian Ocean when our ocean survey ship went DIW. Slept on the decks and ate melting icecream for meals. Wasn't so bad.

I used to kayak over in the Bay by da Beach House. I miss that place.

wouldl like to meet you for lunch sometime to discuss business though, seriously. Maybe we can help each other out.

Thanks for visiting the blog.

SunRunner said...

Hi Sciencegal,

Yup I would love to meet you guys sometime. I have been doing this for what seems like ever. I got into the computer business after working for Datasync Internet back when it was a small Ocean Springs company. I did this full time until Katrina took The Pass and my customer base with it. I now work for a General Contractor doing his AutoCAD drawings in the mornings and goto school and do my computer jobs in the afternoon. I would love to sit down and discuss what we both do and how we can help each other. I am always looking for a tech to send people to when I am out of town. Grab my 861 number out of the Gazebo and give me a call. BTW, Big Parrothead and Tryin To Reason is one of my favs...

BB said...

Bad news Sciencegal - they actually didn't slam particles together - they just started up the system and tested it out. That means the real test of blacky holey things will happen next week... while I'm in Geneva. GASP!!!! I'll have to go to CERN to see a blacky holey thing for myself. Brian Greene jut said "Black holes may be really tiny too. Yes, it might cram enough energy to create a microscopic black hole. This is not something to worry about because microscopic black hole will evaporate. Nothing to worry about. Even if they didn't evaporate quickly, we would have time to evacuate to higher ground...." Not sure what that meant... I can see tourists saying "Look sweetie, CERN just created a cute black hole. Don't touch it though."

SunRunner said...

I really ate way too much tonight... My concern is that it was casued by a black hole lodged under my rib cage. I called the ER and was refered to a Dr. Carl Sagan, who unfortunatly is dead. So I had to postpone my appointment with him. More detail at 10.. Back to you Sciencegal..

sciencegal said...

Wow - Yes I had one of those black holes tonight that was the shape of slices of pizza! I managed to shove in two before the gate the black hole closed up!

BB is right. They only tested one particle in one direction.... then they will test a particle in the other direction leading up to....drum roll please..... an actual attempt of two particles in opposite directions in hopes they will collide and simulate what happened in the big bang...

Tomorrow - The Big Bang - fact or fiction??

sciencegal aka the now soon to be banned from the Bob Breck website gal.

Brandi said...

I love rocks too, by the way :) I found your blog from the weather blog today.

Aaron and I were talking about this very subject as we contemplated staying up to watch the webcast when they started up the LHC. I decided that if the LHC created a massive black hole or caused an explosion to kill us all, that it would be nice to be cuddled together with Ethan in our bed, sleeping and never know the difference. Isn't that peaceful? ha

sciencegal said...

Well Howdy Brandi - I bet Aaron is loving the Collider and the thought of the possibilities. Its really going to be interesting what they learn and may even shake up some of the tenets of science as we have been taught. :-)