Friday, October 31, 2008

More proof that evolution is a fraud.

"Living Fossils" in New Zealand, or simply another creature that withstood the Deluge.

Living fossil found on New Zealand mainland

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -- A rare reptile with lineage dating back to the dinosaur age has been found nesting on the New Zealand mainland for the first time in about 200 years, officials said Friday.

An adult tuatara lizard is seen basking on a tree stump at the Karori Sanctuary in Wellington, New Zealand.

Four leathery, white eggs from an indigenous tuatara were found by staff at the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary in the capital, Wellington, during routine maintenance work Friday, conservation manager Rouen Epson said.

"The nest was uncovered by accident and is the first concrete proof we have that our tuatara are breeding," Epson said. "It suggests that there may be other nests in the sanctuary we don't know of."

Tuatara, dragon-like reptiles that grow to up to 32 inches (80 centimeters), are the last descendants of a species that walked the earth with the dinosaurs 225 million years ago, zoologists say.

They have unique characteristics, such as two rows of top teeth closing over one row at the bottom. They also have a pronounced parietal eye, a light-sensitive pineal gland on the top of the skull. This white patch of skin -- called its "third eye" -- slowly disappears as they mature.

A species native to New Zealand, tuatara were nearly extinct on the country's three main islands by the late 1700s due to the introduction of predators such as rats. They still live in the wild on 32 small offshore islands cleared of predators.

A population of 70 tuatara was established at the Karori Sanctuary in 2005. Another 130 were released in the sanctuary in 2007.

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The sanctuary, a 620-acre (250-hectare) wilderness minutes from downtown Wellington, was established to breed native birds, insects and other creatures securely behind a predator-proof fence.

Empson said that the four eggs -- the size of ping pong balls -- were unearthed Friday but that there were likely more because the average nest contains around ten eggs.

The eggs were immediately covered up again to avoid disturbing incubation.

If all goes well, juvenile tuatara could hatch any time between now and March, she said.


Anonymous said...

What do you mean evolution is a fraud. There is plenty of factual evidence to support evolution.... Interestingly enough, many proponents of evolution also believe in intelligent design. The two are not mutually exclusive. BUT, what happens if we ultimately find life on other planets? What will that do to Creationism? Did God practice first in other galaxies????

Clays, place said...

i am so sick of of you bible people saying stuff such as this .
why don't you all get it strait ... the BIBLE is a collection of HEBREW writings that has been change by the church to fit it's agenda ;the " First Council of Nicaea (325AD)" made changes and destroyed writeing that men ;not their GOD judged to be of their god .

the question here is not IS THERE A GOD but the GENERAL PUBLIC'S knowledge of the history of their chosen religion , not it's dogma they are bombarded with by clergy .

Judaic/Christian religions are notorious for their ignorance of history of their faith . and often say things that are believed to be but history shows other wise .

here follows a web site to start your edification ; be warned it is only a beginning and will not (by many) be welcome info. though it is based in historical fact/and is interpretative of historical events . (think , investigate , and learn about your topic before making a fool of your self . ) i often make myself to be foolish but i do what research that i can , i'm imperfect and only a HUMAN ANIMAL ; but so are you ( unless you come from another planet any how )...

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